Birth Name: Andrew Watson
Age: 37
F3 Start Date: Sept 28th, 2022
Main AO Post: Sasquatch

Q. How did you hear about F3 and how did you get your F3 Nickname?

A. My cousin (Jazz Hands from F3 Puget Sound) told me about it back in 2017. At the time I had fairly recently left the Army and was enjoying my freedom from early morning PT so I wasn’t interested and forgot about it. Five years and two kids later in 2022 I saw the NY Times article and looked up F3 Austin and posted to Sasquatch.  LowPass gave me my F3 Name. It’s the name of a famous brewery in Munich, Germany. I got the name due to multiple connections with Germany: I served there in the Army and have a German wife and we go there for a few weeks every year or two.

Q. You set out to bring more FNG’s out into the Gloom and have already had direct or at least been an influence to have 3 post this year….what has been go to line to invite them?

A. As of late Feb I’m now at 6 for 2024. The best way to get a Yes is to collect a lot of No’s. I have a running list of potential FNGs in my phone and I invite some of them every week. I’ve also made a few social media posts and in those I highlight there is no cost, no signup, and it’s open to men of all ages and fitness levels to just show up. So basically I want to remove any barriers before they even think of them. Finally, if the potential FNG doesn’t live near me, I ask them to meet me at AO-Festival (Zilker Park) on a Saturday at 630am. That’s a pretty easy location and time for anyone in the Austin area to get to.

Q. You’ve been stepping up and leading Q’s not only at Sasquatch but been branching out to other AO’s….what do you enjoy about taking a Q and

leading the PAX and what would you recommend to someone who has yet to Q to step up and lead?

A. It’s been fun to meet new people at the other AOs and Saturday is a great day for a beatdown! I also don’t have too many new workout ideas so it’s nice to spread them around to a few different AOs. The first few Q’s can be challenging but it feels great to complete them and it gets easier and easier every time. So just signup, keep it simple, and you’ll get better each time.

Q. Rumor has it you are possibly looking to plant a shovel flag and start up another AO in F3 Austin? Can you share any insight to the PAX about it?

A. I’m all about growing F3 so it can reach more people – so more FNGs and more AOs are important. We definitely need more AOs in North Austin! I would like to start one in Northwest Austin (78729) and I’m looking for men to help with that. Proposed location is Springwoods Park on Anderson Mill Road pretty close to both 183 and Parmer Lane. Please connect with me if interested and if you know anyone who lives in that area make sure to invite them to a beatdown!