Q = The person leading the workout.  Responsible for creating the workout, making sure no one gets left behind, and making sure the workout starts and ends on time. 


We use a Q-management system called Q-Signups. You can sign up to Q any of our AOs at via the the Qsingups App on Slack.. Once you sign up, it will send you a reminder a few days prior as well as post in the AO Channel on Sunday for the Q you signed up for that week. See below to find out how to set and sign up for a Q (below that you can read on what you need to know to run a Q)

 Here are the steps to get access to the Qsignups app on Slack:

In order to sign up for Q slots, we are now using the QSignups app within Slack. This means you never have to leave the Slack app to sign up for new Q’s, see what Q’s you have coming up, or even see the weekly schedule. Click here to see screen shots or just follow steps below:

After clicking on your current Q, you can then click the button to take yourself off of the Q slot: