Birth Name: John Raney

Age: 58

F3 Start Date:  10/19/2023

Main AO Post:  Sasquatch

Q. How did you hear about F3 and how did you get your F3 Nickname?

A. Originally, I heard about F3 from a post on Facebook, but did not pursue it because of the “Faith” part. Like many men, when I saw that I immediately thought it was a religious organization. I have known @Impact for close to 11 years and saw him quite regularly working out at the gym. He started EH’ing me and assured me it was not a religious organization.  I was growing tired of the same old gym workout routine and was looking for something new, so I thought I would give it a try. F3’s unique format of being peer led has changed my workout routine. The variety of the workouts and not knowing what exercises we will be doing each day make it exciting.

Back in the day I had two turntables and a microphone, just kidding. My F3 name comes from my longtime hobby of playing Disc Golf, which I have been playing off and on for 20+ years and currently try to play at least once a week. 

Q.You have been an integral part in helping out AO Mettle Of Honor through its transition of day and time change and been integral part in helping Price Check influx some energy to the AO, what compelled you to do such?

A. In February of 2024 there were several posts in a row on the countorama channel from AO Mettle of Honor where @Price Check was the only one in the picture. He was also Q’ing just about every beatdown. This struck a chord with me and I starting thinking about what I could do to help out. My first step was to grab a Q at AO MOH which was a little stressful since I had never posted there.  I mentioned this to @Impact, who then to my surprise reached out to several other PAX. On the day of my first Q at AO MOH, we had six PAX. After Q’ing there, I decided for the month of March I would try to post at AO MOH on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help with attendance. This was a big step for me because at the time I was posting three days a week at AO Sasquatch and still hitting the gym for full workouts. It would mean less gym time for me (tough call for a gym rat). 

I am now posting at F3 five days a week and loving it. We have seen the influx of four FNG’s, and some visits from other local PAX since I have started posting / Q’ing at AO MOH.

Hopefully the attendance will continue to grow and become stable. 

Q. Waking up early is one of the biggest complaints we hear about FNG’s, heck even some of us season veterans have issues doing to get to a “FREE” workout….what pushes you to get up in the morning and working your tail off with the PAX?

A. I have always been a morning person; in fact an early morning person. I feel much better if I get my workout in earlier in the day. Before starting F3, I was already getting up early enough to make it to the gym at 5:30am, which is when they opened. My normal routine is to get up at 4am Monday-Friday and  sleep in a little bit on the weekends. The early morning start time does seem to be an issue when I am talking to people and trying to get them interested in F3.

Q. Last Question, where do you see Disc Jockey’s  journey though F3 and your leadership going over the next few years to pave that next 43 feet ahead?

A. I think the next step in my F3 growth is to potentially become the site co-Q for AO MOH to continue to help out there and keep it growing. 

I would also like to continue to build bonds with the F3 PAX and grow in the areas of Fellowship and Faith. The one thing I am trying to focus on now is trust and being more open with other F3 PAX. I have always kept my personal life and issues close to my chest. This is a challenge for me, but one I am ready to work on. I have been impressed with how open a few of the PAX are with what is going on in their lives. The PAX that I have been most impressed with on this matter, and started me thinking about it, is @Hammertime. He is very willing to share his ups, downs, and issues during the COT.