F3 Austin Slack
So you made it through your first beatdown and some guy with a funny nickname added/invited you to join the F3 Austin Slack Channel...if they didn't don't stress, we can get you the hooked up...go to the Slack QR Code tab on top right and you will get link to be invited. If you are familiar with Slack then great...should work just like your others workspaces but if not, we got ya covered here with some info about the channles we have and how to best utilize the platform. If you don't know, Slack is an app which you download on your ios or andriod but also has desktop version to help you keep and stay connected to your PAX and all that is going on in F3 Austin. Slack in its simpliest form is an instant messenging tool through which you can send messages to one another or groups of people via various channels. Click here if you want to get more of the basics...if not, see below and will provide you a little more specific information about the channels we have set up on our F3 Austin "workspace" and how to best utilize them.
Slackblast - enables you to enter a Preblast (What Q has in store for upcoming beatdown) and Backblast (The recap of the beatdown) right on the AO's slack channel. You can do this by typing /slackblast > and then hit the submit button on lower right like you would for a post. It will pull up the Preblast and Backblast options for you to select and simply fill out the form and at the bottom hit the green submit button when done. You can skip that step if you want and simply type /preblast or /backblast and hit the green submit and will pull up the forms directly.
PAXminer - is a tool for capturing and parsing beatdown statistics and attendance records from Backblasts. *There is a channel set up for this but unless you want to get an update on your slack every hour or every time a backblast is entered I wouldn't recommend adding yourself to it.
Weaselbot -is a slack bot designed to gather information from PAXminer to keep PAX more engaged. It will do the following:
Achievements - incoporate automated "achievements" that are awarded based on F3 Activity. You will recieve these awards in the #achievements-unlocked channel. The Achievements can be viewed on the pinned post in the #achievements-unlocked channel.
Kotter Reports - detects when guys are starting to fall off the F3 Wagon and sends a notice to the AO's site Q's. It reports the PAX who haven't posted in awhile and it not meant to guilt shame anyone but we hate seeing guys slide back into that "Sad Clown" life (read Free to Lead to learn about the Sad Clown Syndrome ). It will also reports those who haven't stepped up to Q in a while as well as it takes all of us to make this group grow bigger and stronger as leaders and men.
Qsignups - maybe not technically an app but a feature on our slack workspace to enable PAX to view and sign up for a Q (see Q page to learn how to get that set up on your slack)
Awesome channels you will automatically be added to once you join F3 Austin Slack
#-f3-ice- we hope we never have to go to this channel but should something happen out in the gloom or ec (extra credit workout) we would like to be able to make contact with a loved one to make sure they are aware as soon as possible. Please go to the channel and click on the channel name at top > bookmarks & pins > F3 Austin PAX list to fill it out.
#achievement-unlocked - looking to get a little F3 street cred than this is the channel you will be checking out most often. We have apps set up (will explain more later) that gather info from the various AO channels on who posted at the beatdowns (The PAX) and who led the beatdowns (The Q) and calculates them in a database to provide you Weaselbot Awards for hitting certain accomplishments. You can find the accomplishments on the pinned post on the channel (soon hopefully we will have a trophy case on the website as well).
#ao-thefestival_blackops - this a legacy AO and only "pops-up" upon request from downrange PAX or a PAX feels the need to set up an AO beatdown outside the normal AO's. Everyone is added so that we can avoid multiple channels getting same message about when the AO is going to have a beatdown and where.
#count-ao-rama - this is a pretty popular channel and one that should be used by the PAX leading the Q after the beatdown. Most AO's take a picture after the beatdown but some take a video. Either form should be posted on this channel. There is a specific format we like to use. Use the count of the amount of PAX at the beatdown followed by few words and lastly tag the AO Channel where the beatdown was held. (Ex. 16 PAX showed up and showed out at the #ao-thegreen) and add the picture/video to the post.
#f3austin-247info - feel free to post anything related to F3 (whether regionally or nationally) on this page that you would like to communitcate out the PAX. Comz Q uses this page frequently to get word out updates and such but open to anyone to post.
#f3austin-extra-credit - this channel is for promotion/invitation for external events (ie GoRuck Events, Spartan Races, etc...) as well as internal F3 Austin events (ie CSAUP's, SSTD's - stupid stuff Topsy does). A good suggestion would be to promote the event on this channel and those who are interested to then set up an event specific public channel for it.
#mubblechatter - any and all things unrelated to F3. Just a good ole general information page where you can give stuff away, got something of value to sell or really anything you might want to bring up for conversation. Probably best not to bring up politics or religion on this page.....as you all know where that often leads. I think it goes without saying anything racial or degatory in nature will not be tolerated.
#work-the-network - if you have been laid off or currently unemployed this is the channel you could go to and let PAX know you are in the market. If anyone has a connection or lead for employment then can respond accrodingly. Also, if the company you are working for or own is looking to hire, then let the PAX know there as well.
The Current F3 Austin AO Channels
If you weren't added to the channel where you first posted then you can look for the channel and add yourself to it. You can also check the locations tab to see other AO's nearby that you'd like to add if not done so already)
The above is not all of the current channels we are using but has the main ones covered and there will probably be some slack channels added and some maybe removed (never forget the great archive of July 2023) so the channels on this page might not be 100% accurate but should be a good starting point. We also believe you are Free to Lead so if there is a slack channel you want to add feel free. One word of caution is that we would like to try to limit channels that require PAX to have to post in multiple channels to get info out to the group so wouldn't recommend a similiar channel when one already kind of exists. If you have questions on that and what might be good as public as opposed to private channel don't hesitate to hit up the current COMZ Q on slack for his sage advice and wisdom.
Also F3 Nation has a Slack workspace and recommend to get yourself added to that as well to see what all is going on nationally with F3. (coming soon will have some recommended channels to add yourself to on this webpage)