Free, peer-led workouts for men across greater Austin, TX

What We Do

The mission of F3 is plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of Male Community Leadership. 

Our 3 Fs


Open to men of any fitness level. Workouts are peer-led and designed to be challenging, while not leaving anyone behind.


Bonds of genuine friendship formed in the pre-dawn and strengthened through social gatherings, and endurance challenges​.


Not a religious organization, but we believe we are not the center of the universe and challenge each other to live for something bigger than ourselves​.

Our Core Principles

Our Credo

"Leave No Man Behind, But Leave No Man Where You Found Them"

In The Media

You can also check out our parent site at www.f3nation.com to find out more about us as well as check out other locations throughout the country and world!!!